院校名称: 智源教育学院
地理位置: 587 Upper Serangoon Road Crestar Building
  • 幼儿保育和教育课程(中/英)
  • 商务课程
  • 语文课程
  • 幼儿保育和教育职业发展课程(WSQ)
院校介绍: 智源教育学院成立于1988年,是一所原以幼儿师资培训为主的私立学院。自创办以来,智源教育学院已为新加坡及该区域培训了超过2万名幼儿教师。

如今,智源教育学院是新加坡劳动力发展局(WDA)指定的幼儿保育和教育培训课程的合作伙伴。智源的幼儿教育与保育证书与大专课程也被新加坡幼儿培育署(ECDA)和新加坡劳动力发展局(WDA)认可。如此紧密的合作关系使得智源教育学院能够不断地为新加坡的幼儿教育行业做出贡献,并培训出优秀的幼儿教育者。智源教育学院也是新加坡劳动力发展局(WDA)委任的专业发展继续教育与培训中心 (CET), 提供工作场所华语培训课程, 帮助学习者掌握基本的普通话沟通能力。智源教育学院也是第一所在幼教领域获得新加坡私立教育理事会(CPE)四年教育信托认证(EduTrust, 2010)的教育学院。


智源教育学院是长久以来被认可提供了高品质的成人教育服务。 如今,智源提供的课程已经超越幼儿教育与保育领域,扩展到其他成人教育专业。




I have enjoyed my school life at KLC together with the lecturers and my peers. The resources at the library were also very helpful, providing us with valuable additional information required for my assignments. The course helped me to acquire a lot knowledge that is crucial to my work as an EC educator.
Bridget Teng, WSO Professional Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (WSQ PDECCE)
The Warwick University BA (Hons) ECCE programme at KLCII has enhanced my knowledge in early years pedagogues, research and theories tremendously. I have been able to apply what I have learnt in my work. It was a fulfilling experience. The quality and experience of the lecturers were great. The way they delivered the lessons was interesting and engaging. They genuinely cared about the students and made sure we understood the lessons. Thank you Warwick & KLCII!
Maybelline Tan, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Early Childhood Care and Education